Volunteer Time:
2006 (total): 103 days, 169 hours
2007 (total): 238 days, 425.75 hours
2008 (total): 126 days, 209 hours
4th, 2008:
Enjoying a summer respite from his winter rounds Santa Claus visited
the locals in the east parking lot over the Fourth of July. His unexpected
appearance also gladdened the hearts of those driving through the lot as
well. He indicated he was 'making a list and checking it twice' but seemed
more interested in the proffered liquid refreshment he found readily available.
Maybe if might be best if we didn't know what Santa does on his
days off?
11th, 2008:
The bees are back ... every year about this time the Pier sees several
swarms clustered on the benches or congregating under the Pier planking.
I notified the Park around 7am since there were a number of halibut anglers
in the area who were concerned for the safety of people visiting the Pier
who might be allergic to bee stings.
Around 9:30am one Park Ranger told me that the bees are a natural
occurrence and the usual policy was to wait a day or so to see if they
moved on. Around noon I contacted a second Ranger wondering why nothing
more was being done. He immediately closed off the area and told me that
the County's policy was to exterminate swarming bees if they were in a
high traffic area. He did make an attempt to contact a local pest
control company but was told "it would be too difficult to remove them".
In the interest of safety I asked and was given permission to
post this sign at the foot of the Pier which I did.
Later a local angler familiar with the situation said that extermination
is no longer the best policy since the advent of Colony
Collapse Disorder. He felt it would be better
if the County enlisted the aid of a local beekeeper to try and save the
colony. His suggestion will be passed on to the County.
14th, 2008:
Monday saw the visit of a group of young students on a fishing trip
to our Pier. The class was sponsored by Carrie
Culver of the California Sea Grant Extension Program in Southern California.
Carrie was assisted by Ken Jones, president of United Pier and Shore Anglers
of California (UPSAC) and
two local anglers, Roy Qi and Nathan Dunlop.
There were a total of 10 students participating and all caught
fish their first time out. We were told the class will be preparing a newspaper
documenting their trip ... we look forward to its publication.
Also on the Pier today were a group of Junior Lifeguards practicing
pier jumping under the supervision of Jon Menzies, County Aquatics Coordinator
and Lifeguard Supervisor. Jon has been working closely with the Pier Host
(myself) to insure that these regularly scheduled events are carried out
smoothly with little interference to other users of the Pier. He
is also responsible for the new
signage on the sides of the Pier advising swimmers of the 100 foot
restriction in order to prevent them from becoming entangled in fishing
22nd, 2008:
Back in April I
suggested that the area behind the East Parking lot, which borders on the
Slough, was heavily used by various groups and could benefit by some improvements.
This morning I was talking with a group of birders out observing
the fairly rare appearance of a Reddish
egret (Egretta rufescens) in the Slough when
I realized the educational possibilities of an observation platform like
the one in the West parking lot.

I can envision a 10' by 50' observation deck complete with signboards
picturing and describing each species of bird and animal that call the
Slough home. What an educational resource it would be! In addition the
deck would provide stable footing for the easels of the various artists
who now are forced to cope with the irregular terrain when setting up their
Not to mention what a great stage it would be for outdoor concerts
Funding for this project could be available from the South Coast
West Quimby Fee Agency Fund ... fees collected by the county for development
impacts. The fund was created by a statewide act in 1983 in order to increase
government contributions to recreational facilities.
31st, 2008:
These are just a few of UCSB's Junior Lifeguards who turned out
for a beach cleanup today. According to Rob Gibson, UCSB Jr Guard Coordinator,
this was their second cleanup working all the way to Isla Vista. We are
appreciative of their efforts which supplement the annual Coastal Cleanup
Day held in September
each year.
Rob also wishes to remind everybody that the 2nd Session Lifeguard
Pier jump Training and County Fire Jet Ski Water Rescue Demonstration are
planned for Monday, 10 am to noon.